How to stay alone and feel happy about it?

People around you think that there must be something wrong if you’re alone. Yes, we admit it or not; but this is the world of extroverts. Basically, you have to market every time about everything to connect to people around you, isn’t it! Introverts literally have a very small scope to be admired. Ok, I guess you are reading this post because you too are somewhere struggling to fit into the group of so-called ‘Socialites’ and bunches of extroverts. Voila, I am an introvert and I heartily welcome you to my world of loneliness which of course is full of surprises and fun. Let me tell you the advantages that you are going to have being alone. 1 . Let your Mind walk alone- In Buddhist psychology, there are 8 kinds of consciousness. Smelling, hearing, seeing, touching and tasting are the first 5. The sixth is consciousness of our mind which controls our body, seventh is discriminating consciousness which helps us to discriminate good and bad o...