Is your website traffic dropping? These could be the Reasons in 2017
Assume you are on a luxury yacht tour in the endless, azure sea. The yacht is crowded with cabin crew member for your service and loaded with extravagant amenities. In all, your tour is abuzz with entertaining activities. Then, one fine morning you wake up only to discover that you are shipwrecked and marooned on a deserted island. You hunted high and low…waited for days and months, but a single human was hardly to seen! You might be thinking that this only happens in Cast Away. Right? Wrong. Such is the story of World Wide Web, where your website traffic can take a sudden U-turn due to a number of factors and you would never know! Along with that, you also undo the chances of reaching out to potential customers, generating leads and converting them to sales. So, basically your website turns out to be a dead duck! When I went out to survey the possible causes of a website’s downfall, on May 2017, in terms of traffic, I came up with interesting results. Below is the infographic repr...